
            One of the aspects of my story that I feel is working pretty well is the dialogue. I feel like it reads in a way that is realistic and also helps move he plot forward as well as offer additional information about the characters. I also feel like the overall plot of the story works well, and it’s structured in a way that makes sense. I do think that my descriptive language could probably be improved. That has typically been a weakness of mine.
            One of the main questions I would like the workshops to address is does the plot make sense and is it easy to follow. That seems really simple, but to me that’s one of the biggest pieces. When writing, it’s easy for me to get carried away because I know how the story ends and what path it takes to get there. I like to make sure that what I’m thinking comes across properly to the reader.
            The internal conflict for my character is whether or not he is happy with the direction his life is going. There’s nothing wrong with what he’s doing, but he’s struggling with the thought that there may be more out there for him.
            The start of the story has been the hardest part by far. I had a little bit of trouble deciding on some of the smaller pieces of information and then deciding on how all of that minutiae would ultimately be related. That took a couple of tries.

            When it comes to editing another person’s work, I think the biggest challenge in regard to doing a workshop online and not face-to-face, is that you don’t have the luxury of asking the author for clarification if there’s something you don’t understand. This is actually what I like about doing workshops online. The writing has to speak for itself. I think to make sure that the workshop discussions are actually discussions it to go back and forth on suggestions, almost as a way of brainstorming together if there happens to be a problem in one of the stories
